
Nicene Creed Printable, Nicene Creed prayer, Catholic Prayer, Catholic Wall Art, Catholic Printable, Rosary, Catholic Art, Catholic Gift

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Nicene Creed Printable, Nicene Creed prayer, Catholic Prayer, Catholic Wall Art, Catholic Printable, Rosary, Catholic Art, Catholic Gift


Prayer is an opportunity to spend time with God. The Nicene Creed is a summary of Scripture. It expresses our faith in God who is a Trinity of Persons that has acted in historical events and is revealed definitively in the person of Jesus. Bring some joy, peace, and encouragement into your living space with these modern Catholic Wall Arts. You can also use these printable files to make custom gifts for your family & friends. These make great gifts for Baptism / Baptism Favours, Holy Communion, Confirmation, or as a Keepsake Gift.

The Nicene Creed

"I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;

through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,

and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead

and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come. Amen."

Lift your spirits, comfort your heart and inspire your day; bring some joy, peace, and encouragement into your living space with these modern Catholic Wall Arts. You can also use these printable files to make custom gifts for your family & friends. These make great gifts for Baptism / Baptism Favours, Holy Communion, Confirmation, or as a Keepsake Gift.


This listing includes 5 High Resolution JPEG format (300 DPI) in the following sizes:

‣ Use Size 1 to print in 5" x 7" | A2, A3, A4, A5 50 x 70cm

‣ Use Size 2 to print in 11" x 14"

‣ Use Size 3 to print in 16" x 20" | 8" x 10" | 4" x 5" | 40 x 50cm

‣ Use Size 4 to print in 18" x 24" | 15" x 20" | 12" x 16" | 9" x 12" | 30 x 40cm

‣ Use Size 5 to print in 20" x 30" | 16" x 24" | 12" x 18" | 8" x 12" | 4" x 6" | 40 x 60cm

This listing is an Instant Download listing. Please note that no physical product will be sent to you.


Here's how to access the printable art files after purchase on Gumroad.

To access a digital product, pull up your email receipt. Click the "View content” button to go to the product’s download page. Before being redirected to the download page, you might be asked for your email address. Simply enter the email you used at checkout, and you should be able to access the download page.

For more information about how to download your files, please visit: https://customers.gumroad.com/accessing-your-purchase/how-do-i-access-my-purchase


All of the files are High Resolution (300DPI) and are suitable for printing, whether you want to print them at home or in a printing shop.

You can print your digital files at your local print shops like Staples, Office Depot, or FedEx Office.

Please note that due to monitor and printer settings, the colors you see on your screen might differ from the final printed product.

Please note that designs with multiple colors or a high level of black may require additional fees associated with the printing of your wall art.


If you have any questions or requests, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will usually answer within 24hours, if not earlier!

Please note that this file is for personal use only and may not be shared, transferred, or sold in any way.

© 2023 Maryanne Prints

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You'll receive a zip file with 5 High Resolution JPEG format (300 DPI) files, scalable in 20+ sizes.

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